Thursday 5 December 2013

Architectural Design Studio 1

Project 1: Self-Expression through Object
Learning Outcomes:
1. Identify and abstract theme/ideas of the ‘self’
2. Construct a representational piece of art based on the initial ideas that have been abstracted and redefined through the process of translation and interpretation

Figure 1: Self portrait

Project Summary:
Bird cage in orange represents a warm space that closes me from touching the world, while the flower buds represent myself that’s ingrown. Stepping out from the cage, I carry my backpack and start my journey. From a smooth brick road, a path full of rocks and holes, I face different obstacles and I have to solve them. The world isn’t cold enough, someone may build a bridge for me. But who knows? Thorn may gonna hurt you! Not to say that the fire can burn my steps. However, when I pass through all of these, I can continue my journey with my own brand and a beautiful grown flower.

Project 2: Self-Expression through Architectural Space
Learning Outcomes:
1. Be able to identify and articulate basic design principles in spatial organization
2. Be able to distinguish and discern the role of scale and proportion in the relationship between the human body and a designed space or enclosure
3. Design and produce a space that embodies and expresses an idea or conceptual narrative

Figure 2: Study model for 1:1 scale installation

Figure 3: Bird view of study model for 1:1 scale installation

Figure 4: Bird view of study model for 1:1 scale installation

Figure 5: Progress of 1:1 scale installation

Figure 6: Presentation board

Figure 7: Final installation 

Figure 8: Final installation

Figure 9: Final installation

Project 3: Space for the Self
Learning Outcomes:
1. Design and produce a space that embodies and expresses an idea or conceptual narrative
2. Be able to distinguish and discern the role of scale and proportion in the relationship between the human body and a designed space or enclosure
3. Be able to identify, articulate and apply basic design principles in spatial organization and relationships
4. Be able to select and apply materials to embody and enhance the sensory experience of the space
5. Be able to create, articulate and illustrate the poetics of spatial quality

Figure 10: One of the front of the site model

Figure 11: Another front of the site model

Figure 12: One side of the site model

Figure 13: Another side of the site model

Figure 14: Back alley of the site model

Figure 15: (From the left) 3 Prototypes and 1 final study model

Figure 16: Final model

Figure 17: Final model

Figure 18: Final model

Figure 19: Presentation panels (2 on the left) and Building Materials integration (2 on the right)

Figure 20: Presentation panel 1

Figure 21: Presentation panel 2

Figure 22: Me with model and presentation panel 

Design Communication

Project 1 (A): On-site Sketching
Learning Outcomes:
1.To understand the notion of space in architecture.
2.To develop skills in visualizing of space through observation and perception of a given site
3.To develop skills in sketching as a mode of communication

Project 1 (B): Tonal Values
Learning Outcomes:
1.To understand the notion of space in architecture.
2.To develop skills in communicating the above in various tonal and depth values.
3.To develop various techniques of hatching through different medium

Project 2 (A): Orthographic projections: plans, sections, elevations
Learning Outcomes:
1.Demonstrate drafting skills in modern and traditional methods of architectural drawing.
2.Record and present clear and legible architectural information manually.
3.Identify and apply architectural conventions and symbols.
4.Demonstrate in pencil and ink examples of:
    •line types
    •line weights
    •line quality
    •hand lettering

Project 2 (B): Axonometric projection
Learning Outcomes:
1. Ability to express spatial ideas and architectural detail in three-dimension, in the format of an axonometric projection.
2. Understanding of what axonometric projections are, how to generate them and how to apply them to the design process and presentation.
3. Ability to produce legible architectural drawings.

Project 2 (C): Perspectives
Learning Outcomes:
1. Ability to express spatial ideas and architectural detail in three-dimension, in the format of one point and two-point perspectives.
2. Understanding of what perspectives (and its different types) are, how to generate them and how to apply them to the design process and presentation.
3. Ability to produce legible architectural drawings with strong creative intent.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Architecture History and Culture

Project: Precedent Study 
Learning outcomes
1. Recognize and recall appropriate verbal architectural vocabulary when referring to building types, styles and periods.
2. Exemplify the sequence of historical periods and how they are represented architecturally.
3. Classify the sequence of historical periods and how they are represented architecturally.
4. Produce building analysis which document intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships.

• Essay (10%) (Group)
• Analysis Presentation Board (20%) (Individual)

Figure 1:  Individual presentation board

• Model (10%) (Group)

Figure 2: Site model

Figure 3: Bird view of site model

                           Figure 4: Front view of the site model                                       Figure 5: Back view of the site model

Figure 6: Side view of the site model

• Verbal Presentation (10%) (Group + Individual)

Sunday 10 November 2013

Building Material

Project 1: Materiality of SPACE: Encountering Space & Materiality
Learning Outcomes   
• Produce a complete documentation and analysis of materials in respect to physical and chemical properties
• Identification of various types of building material (Finishes and Structural)
• Understand the effects of building materials on aesthetics and structural qualities of a space or building.
• Understand the appropriateness of material used in context several factorsoccupancy, concept, climate
• Acquire analytical skill in understanding selection of building materials for a building/design
• Understanding of application/ installation of material as finish and structural material (simple construction)

Figure 1: Mood board

 Figure 2: Group presentation board 1
 Figure 3: Group presentation board 2

 Figure 4: Individual board

Project 2 Integration: Material Specification- Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of Building Materials application and properties through materials specification or proposal for final studio project
Learning Outcomes
• Apply the understanding of various types of building material which affects the tactile and chemical properties of design/building/space
• Exploration and identification of various types of building materials and technology
• Understand the effects of building materials on occupancy, aesthetics and structural qualities of a space or building, environment and etc.
• Produce drawings to visualize the architectural effects of proposed materials (spatial quality)

Figure 5: Integration board 1 
Figure 6: Integration board 2